1-856-687-3277 or 1-856-OUR-EARS service@conciears.com

Welcome to The ConciEARS Desk!

by | Dec 27, 2016

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. We hope you will find our posts helpful, informative, and fun to read. If you get a chuckle out of one now and then, even better. Our goal is fairly simple: to provide material that fellow Disney fans will look forward to reading whenever they visit the ConciEARS site. The topics we cover are all over the place, so like the enormous Kitchen Sink sundae at Walt Disney World’s Beaches and Cream ice cream parlor, the blog is designed to suit a wide variety of tastes.

While the Disney topics we cover are random, our approach is consistent with the ConciEARS priority of doing everything we can to help families get the most out of their Disney vacations: exceeding expectations, creating opportunities to have fun and grow closer to one another, and making treasured memories that will last a lifetime. Although we don’t take ourselves too seriously, we are dead serious about each of

those tasks (I know–almost a Haunted Mansion-worthy pun, but not quite). Whether we are sharing vacation tips, exploring an important moment from Walt Disney World’s history, or recalling our experiences at a restaurant someplace in the parks, we hope the blog will fuel your excitement about a future Disney trip or help you relive the best parts of one you took in the past.

As lifelong Disney fans, we hope to write the kind of posts that we ourselves would want to read. You can count on them being family-friendly and budget-conscious, although we reserve the right to take an unapologetically impractical “Wouldn’t it be great if …” approach from time to time. This is fun for lots of reasons, but mainly because it makes for a great conversation-starter with kids who love to talk about Disney and use their imaginations (who doesn’t?). We’ll be honest about the multitude of Disney vacation mistakes we have made, in the hope that we can help you avoid making the same ones. If we start to run low on these, no worries: our wives and kids are happy to help us remember those instructive gaffes from the past. We’ll be candid about what we see as less-than-magical experiences, as well, since we realize that good vacation planning often involves deciding what not to do. We love cast members, so they—and the wisdom they have to offer–will figure prominently from week to week.

When you have comments, questions, and/or suggestions, we hope you will share them. Your feedback is the best indicator of how we’re doing, and we will do our best to respond promptly. We sincerely appreciate your interest and hope to hear from you often.

#WaltDisneyWorld #BeachesandCream #KitchenSink


