Not every Disney cruise leads to tropical ports of call. If your family is in the mood for something a bit more adventurous than a leisurely respite on the beach, Disney has plenty of options. Let’s take a look at some of the most exciting and northerly destinations you can experience on a Disney ship with its trips to Scandinavia!

The first year the Disney Magic plied the waves of the Atlantic was 1998. More then twenty years later, she still has plenty of ports to visit. There are plenty of experiences for your family aboard the ship with lounges, restaurants, experiences, and entertainment galore. The main event on these cruises are their excursions! Disney Cruise Line offers multiple trips per year to Northern Europe, often departing from Dover, England or Copenhagen, Denmark. Several itineraries offer destinations in the Netherlands, Iceland, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and even Russia. With seven to eleven days on the ship, there are plenty of opportunities for fun and adventure! Take the fjords of Norway. These majestic, seaside, stone edifices are the hallmark of a land that rapidly rises from sea level to mountain peaks. The ports around Norway offer a glimpse into the distant past, when the Hanseatic League established trade routes across Europe. Fortresses built for nobles and

wealthy traders, hikes across natural landscapes, shopping in modern cities, boating and kayaking along the coastline, these destinations have it all! Oh, and the landscapes here inspired the kingdom of Arendelle, if anybody in your family happens to be into the Frozen movies. Those who wish to determine for themselves whether Iceland is truly greener than Greenland can debark at several ports on the island. Watch whales along the coastline. Shop for hand-woven wool goods. Soak in hot spas heated by the earth itself. Every visit to Iceland is an adventure, even for those who just want to take in some delightful views.

Destinations change across the various cruise options, but you are sure to enjoy time at major ports of call around the Baltic Sea. Stops in Sweden, Estonia, Finland, and even Russia allow your family to experience cities steeped in history. Each trip includes a few days at sea so you won’t miss out on those famous Disney Cruise Line entertainment options. The Disney Magic does not visit Northern Europe all year round, so it’s best to plan far ahead of your departure. Get in touch with one of our expert travel planners today to learn about your options. Cruises are coming back in a big way starting in late 2022 and early 2023 If you want to take advantage, your ConciEARS are here to help!